Computer flooring/flooding/water in computer rooms

From: McFadden, Mike <>
Date: Fri May 28 12:57:22 2004

Flooded computer room
Our computer room was on the 11th floor of an office building. The
cooling was based on a unit that used the cold water feed into the
building as a cooling source. The air handler was in the computer room
also included a humidifier. The float valve on the humidifier stuck and
flooded the room under the floor. We noticed/felt "high humidity" on
Monday morning. No water was visible. We pulled up a floor tile and
there was 2 inches of water under the entire floor. All of the cables
were in water. Most of the terminal cables were threaded through the
channels in the floors to other offices; all of the channels were also
full of water.

Everything was still running.

We got a dehumidifier, pulled up a few floor tiles and dried the room
out. We placed rag wicks down in the channels to draw out the water so
we could evaporate it. All of the cables were covered with dust, grime
and rust colored crud that dried on them from the water.

Received on Fri May 28 2004 - 12:57:22 BST

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