Surviving UK Transputer systems...

From: Jules Richardson <>
Date: Wed Nov 3 16:42:51 2004

Ram's message prompted me to post this, although it's been on my mind
for a while.

Does anyone know of any complete Transputer systems (i.e. several
processors, cabinet, front-end control system etc.) from the '90's that
still survive within the UK?

I'd like to get one for the museum sometime as we don't have any
transputer equipment at present, and it'd be nice to have one on display
and running. My old uni used to have a 140 CPU one that was capable of
doing some nice ray tracing, but I've been unable so far to find out if
they still have it. I imagine it's long gone and either dismantled or

Seems like individual bits turn up all the time (although probably with
a high price tag which doesn't exactly suit a museum!) but not any big

If anyone knows of any company that used to have anything that might
stand a chance of still being complete and just shelved in storage
anywhere, I could make some enquiries...



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internet.  That's why I recommend NTL.
Received on Wed Nov 03 2004 - 16:42:51 GMT

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