Brazenly OT: ThinkPad760XL local/v/remote screen

From: John Lawson <>
Date: Sun Nov 21 17:34:52 2004

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004, Paul Braun wrote:

>> OK, here's a an OT, I can't wait...
>> I have a seven year old IBM 760XL Laptop somebody
>> gave me for free with all the trimmings (with 2 different docking

> There's a key, one of the function keys, I believe, that has a little
> icon of a monitor above it. If you hold down the "fn" key in the lower
> left of the keyboard and repeatedly press the other key, you will
> toggle between LCD only, LCD and external, and external only.

  My newer (dearly departed - snifsnif) Thinkpad A21M was used at home with
a large monitor and at work standalone. With the FN-monitor set to default
to the external, nonetheless if it detected no plug in the DB15, the LCD
came on w/out needing to be manually switched.

   Now, on the Dell Latitude, the same occurs, save that the LCD is active
for a short time during the boot process.

  This is all under Win2KPro.



PS: has Stuff for older IBM laptops, FYI.
Received on Sun Nov 21 2004 - 17:34:52 GMT

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