washing my keyboard in the dishwasher...

From: james <james_at_jdfogg.com>
Date: Mon Nov 22 12:13:20 2004

> I removed and dried the flexible pcb (it still had some minor wine
> stains which I washed off with water. I left the whole thing open to
> dry for a few hours.
> Then I put it back together and it works like a champ! Yea!

Yes, they do hold water, all models. I take the keycaps off and put them
in the silverware basket and take the plastic halves apart and remove
the PCB(s).

I do recommend the alcohol though. Water contains impurities that may be

Sorry I didn't reply to the other posts, my bankrupt cablemodem provider
(Adelphia) can't seem to keep my connection up for any length of time
for over a week now.
Received on Mon Nov 22 2004 - 12:13:20 GMT

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