On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 05:09 +0000, Tony Duell wrote:
> > Pin 1 joined to Pin 6, one side of 8.5V AC Red
> > Pin 2 joined to Pin 7, other side of 8.5V AC Black
> > Pin 3 14V AC Yellow
> > Pin 4 0V White
> > Pin 5 14V AC Blue
> >
> > The two 14V AC windings form a centre-tapped 28V winding, which
> > according to the label on the transformer is rated at 250mA. The
> > 8.5V winding is rated 1.5A. The actual voltages I measured were
> > 8.9V and 14.3V (twice), so they're slightly higher off-load. The
> > 9-pin 'D' connector on the end of the PSU cable is a female. The
> > PSU itself is clearly just a transformer in a white plastic box.
> Thanks for the infromation. I've got much the same problem (a Dragon 32
> less the PSU brick) so sometime I can get round to making one. It's not
> urgent (I have plenty of CoCos), but I do like to have my machines
> operational.
There's an uncomfirmed rumour that the proper Acorn Atom brick is the
same as the Dragon 32 one, just with a different lead (and unused taps
on the transformer presumably!).
In the six or so Atoms that have passed through my hands though I've
never had one with the original supply, so I can't confirm that :) (All
of mine have either been kits - and I assume the PSU was optional - or
previous owners have bypassed the regulators and used a more capable
I'm not sure what voltages the D32 uses internally. I've been told that
the D64 regulator board is different to the D32 one even though it uses
the same brick - so it's possible half the outputs of the brick aren't
even used in a D32...
Received on Wed Nov 24 2004 - 06:31:23 GMT
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