ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca> said:
> Stan Barr wrote:
> > That's exactly what I do with E11 (hobbyist version). It runs on an old
> > 486DX4, headless, with an old terminal attached. My autoexec.bat ends
> > with
> >
> > CD \E11V31
> > E11
> >
> > so it boots straight into the PDP OS and from the terminal you can't
> > really tell it's running on an emulator as you never see DOS.
> To the people who want a bootable system?
> Why don't you get one of the 'floppy' linux systems and build simh
> to run from that.
I run simh/Linux on another machine....(and I have a Micro 11/73...)
The 486/E11 combo makes a convincing demo to show people what 1970s
computing looked like to a user, that's what I intended it for.
The computer is tucked out of sight. Actually it's on the other side
of the room - I didn't want to hide the blinkenlites :-)
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Sat Oct 02 2004 - 13:54:36 BST