At 11:37 05/10/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>I've got a few (meaning, one or two) old floppies of mine that
>I found, and hope are still readable, one with the sole copy
>I know of of an 8086 ROM monitor debugger I used to bring up
>a lot of machines with.
>It's stored on a 360K 9-sector/track standard-formatted MSDOS
>diskette with the right fatID and all that, but it does NOT
>contain the IBM formatted crap in the boot sector that many
>PCDOS implementations require.
>Meaning, it will read fine (assuming it's still good) on MSDOS
>but probably not PCDOS. (On PCDOS diskettes like this generate
>something like "unformatted" error, Retry Ignore Abort.)
>If anyone with such a capability could slurp off the source
>(text) files and simply email them to me, and toss the original
>media, I'd appreciate it. I'm in Los Angeles, but anywhere in
>North America would be cheap postage.
Hi Tom,
Have you tried hooking up a 5.25" drive to winblows and see if
it can read the files off? I'd also bet that anyone with Linux
could mount them and read them for you.
If you can't find anyone closer, I'm sure I could get the data
off (I've written my own MS-DOS compatible FAT file systems). I'm
located near Ottawa, Ontario Canada - give me a buzz off-list if
you want to persue this.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Vintage computing equipment collector.
Received on Tue Oct 05 2004 - 14:19:13 BST