ET-3400 Floppy Drive

From: Steven Canning <>
Date: Sat Oct 16 23:15:28 2004

Dear Mauricio ( and to whom it may concern );

The original posting was based on a misconception that there was a Byte
magazine article ( long ago ) on this subject ( adding a floppy drive to a
Heathkit ET-3400 ). Since this was not true, I decided to design one myself
( I am a disgruntled ex-aerospace engineer ). The trick is to come up with
"simple" solutions that are not over-kill since the ET-3400 doesn't possess
a lot of processing power. Plus you need a kind of " boot ROM " to tell the
3400 how to talk to the floppy interface. Progress is being made, and I hope
to have a " cost effective " solution early next year. I hope this helps.

Best regards, Steven C.

Dear Sir, my name is Mauricio R. araujo, retired avionics instructor. I
found your message concerning this subject surfing on internet. I?m
interesting about 3400 floppy Drive . could you please send any informations
?(Sorry for my English...)

Received on Sat Oct 16 2004 - 23:15:28 BST

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