On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 04:58:00PM -0700, Doc Shipley wrote:
> I'm sitting on a pair of half-wide rackmount storage devices
> silk-screened "RA 8" and "System Technology Associates" on front.
> Standard buttons - Write-Protect, Fault, A, B, on the front panel and an
> LED readout. 3 characters, I think. There's a Control Data Corp label
> on top of the box, but the model label on the side is STA. Model RA8-1100.
> Open PSU inside, and a logic board that converts the SDI I/O to talk
> to 2 Maxtor XT-8760-E ESDI drives.
That sounds similar to a box I have at home, but with an SDI<->ESDI bridge.
Mine is full-width (19"), and has the mounting space for 2 sets of drives
and bridge card, but only one set is installed, (2 x 1.2GB).
> So, has anybody ever seen one?
Not that exact one; sorry.
Ethan Dicks, A-130-S Current South Pole Weather at 22-Oct-2004 00:10 Z
South Pole Station
PSC 468 Box 400 Temp -68.0 F (-55.6 C) Windchill -95.3 F (-70.7 C)
APO AP 96598 Wind 6.1 kts Grid 140 Barometer 671.4 mb (10953. ft)
Ethan.Dicks_at_amanda.spole.gov http://penguincentral.com/penguincentral.html
Received on Thu Oct 21 2004 - 19:20:20 BST