Fibre Channel?

From: Tom Peters <>
Date: Tue Oct 26 15:37:06 2004

What brand names/model numbers are on the disk enclosures? MTI? Goliath?
Anything like that? Curious.

What I REALLY want to know is how many SCSI drives are in the drive
enclosures, how many drives total you have, and what the capacity of the
individual drives are. If they are 18gb or 36gb or larger, and SCA
connector (single mini-D connector on the drive itself within the carrier
that slides into the drive enclosure) I'd be potentially interested.


> I recently inherited a stack of Fibre Channel gizmos made by Compaq:
> three x12 hubs, a tape controller, and a Storageworks modular
> data router.
> eBay prices are all over the map: some sellers trying to
> unload them for $1000+, but the real auctions are going for
> less than $50 for each box. Each slot in the hub needs an
> optical transceiver; these seem to sell for $10 each.
> Cables? Many offered, few bidders. FC hard drives? $20 each.
> This stuff cost a fortune not so long ago. Why is it
> rock-bottom now? Will it ever be attractive to hobbyists?
> - John
Received on Tue Oct 26 2004 - 15:37:06 BST

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