Geek-Stuff places in LA

From: Ron Hudson <>
Date: Sun Oct 31 11:32:36 2004

I remember I flew into LAX(i think)... LAX is connected to the nearest
freeway via a longish branch.
So I came out of LAX, "Turned Right" (toward the ocean- west) at the
branch - went a distance, "Turned
left) (south) on some street - and found on the right hand side a very
"Weirdstuff" like place?
That same street continues and becomes another freeway that I had to
take to get to my work-site in Compton.

Anyone know where I was?

Any other electronics-junkyard type places in LA? It has just occurred
to me that LA is only 3 hours
away...Road Trip! :^)
Received on Sun Oct 31 2004 - 11:32:36 GMT

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