new find: an Intel MDS 800

From: M Thompson <>
Date: Sat Oct 30 07:07:05 2004

Siemens and Intel worked together on Multibus-II products in the mid 80s'

At 06:30 PM 10/27/2004 -0400, Dave Mabry wrote:
>I seem to remember that Intel had some sort of marketing agreement with
>Siemens. There were several Intel products that had Siemens logos on
>them sold in Europe. Unfortunately, I don't remember the specifics.
>Steve Thatcher wrote:
>> I lived in Munich, Germany for a year and a half back in 1983 while I
>> was working for Applied Microsystems. I developed a couple of the EM
>> series emulators and ran into a number of remarked Intel systems that
>> said Siemens on the outside.
>>> I've never heard of a Siemans system. The white MDSs that I've seen
>>> all
>>> have the standard Intel markings and labels. (I've got one sitting
>>> about 3
>>> feet from me as I type.)
>>> Joe

Michael Thompson
Received on Sat Oct 30 2004 - 07:07:05 BST

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