Classic OS's - EduSystem

From: Dan Lanciani <>
Date: Sat Oct 30 14:55:55 2004

Charlie Root <> wrote:

|I would be very interested in running Edusystem-20 on my 8e. I also have
|a good paper tape reader/punch combo hooked up to my pc and would be
|happy to make copies of this tape.
|Are full installation and user guides for Edusystem-20 around?

I'm pretty sure I still have the Edusystem Handbook around somewhere. I
think that has all the necessary information because I was able to use it
to start from scratch (toggle in the initial loader, etc.) a couple of times
in high school. Didn't the Edusystem tapes modify the RIM loader to start
themselves or such? Once they started the interactive configuration dialog
really didn't need any extra documentation.

                                Dan Lanciani
Received on Sat Oct 30 2004 - 14:55:55 BST

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