Intellec-mds 800

From: Steven N. Hirsch <>
Date: Sat Sep 4 10:54:29 2004

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Andy Allaway wrote:

> I am considering buying a classic pc. The one I might buy is the intellec mds
> 800. It comes with a drive also. I dont know much about vintage pc's but
> would love to be like you all. I thought starting with one of the best pc's
> would be good. So my question is, if I were to buy this pc, what type of
> monitor/keyboard do I hook up to it? Where can I get one?

I'm not an authority on the MDS800, but the one I have is actually
integral with the display and came with a keyboard. Certainly, I'm able
to use it without an RS232 terminal.

> ps, if I buy this intellec, what can I do with it?

Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you have to ask that question
you may want to reconsider buying it. The MDS800 provided a complete
hardware and software environment for developing products using some of
the older Intel CPUs. It is not really what I'd think of as being a "pc".

Received on Sat Sep 04 2004 - 10:54:29 BST

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