I am considering buying a classic pc. The one I might buy is the intellec
mds 800. It comes with a drive also. I dont know much about vintage pc's
but would love to be like you all. I thought starting with one of the best
pc's would be good. So my question is, if I were to buy this pc, what type
of monitor/keyboard do I hook up to it? Where can I get one?
I think I need a tty serial monitor/keyboard. (Thats what I read online,
what does that mean?) Is the ebay below a terminal that will work on the
this intellec?
Or do I have to buy a vintage one like this:
I want to test this intellec before I buy it and want a monitor/keyboard to
hook up to it before I buy it.
I also dont want to spend alot for the monitor/keyboard since the pc is
quite costly.
Thanks for your advice,
ps, if I buy this intellec, what can I do with it?
Received on Thu Sep 02 2004 - 21:38:12 BST