Here's an update on the latest additions to VCF 7.0:
Connected to the VCF BBS...
Featuring 10 megz of k-rad computer history!
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| : Vintage Computer Festival 7.0 : |
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| Saturday, November 6th through Sunday, November 7th |
| at the Computer History Museum |
| Mountain View, California |
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The 7th Annual Vintage Computer Festival comes at you this November
6th and 7th with the sights, sounds and smells of vintage computing!
Join us for another action packed extravaganza, featuring an exciting
lecture series, a diverse and vibrant exhibition, and a marketplace
brimming with vintage computers o' plenty!
[> Current Speaker Roster <]
Saturday, November 6
10:00AM => Fred Cohen: Using Vintage Computers in Computer Forensics
10:30AM => Jason Scott: Documenting the BBS
11:00AM => Christian Wirth: The Art of Textmode
Sunday, November 7
11:00AM => Nick Tredennick: Early Microprocessor Design
1:00PM => Andre' LaMothe: The XGameStation
* Many more speakers to be added soon; schedule subject to change
For more information on the speaker series, including abstracts and
speaker bios, visit:
[> Special Events <]
o Beta screening of Jason Scott's BBS Documentary
Jason Scott has been working on a series of seven films that
document the history of online bulletin board systems. This will
be the first public screening of these films, and the feedback
from the screening audience will help direct the final cuts. More
information can be found here:
o Retro-Code Video Game Programming Challenge
Can you write a videogame on a vintage computer platform in three
hours or less?
[> Vintage Computer Exhibition <]
Vintage Computer Collectors: we want you! Exhibit your favorite
computer in the Vintage Computer Exhibition. Ribbons and prizes
are awarded in six classes and eight special categories, including the
coveted Best of Show and People's Choice awards.
For more information on participating as an exhibitor at VCF 7.0,
[> Vintage Computer Marketplace <]
Do you have some vintage computer items you'd like to sell? Whether
you rent a booth or sell on consignment, the Vintage Computer Festival
Marketplace is the premier venue for selling old computers and
related items. For more information, please visit:
[> Spread the Word! <]
Download and post this gorgeous VCF 7.0 flyer on every flat surface
in your immediate and extended sphere of existence!
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
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Received on Tue Sep 07 2004 - 06:30:04 BST