At 03:33 PM 9/7/04 -0400, you wrote:
>You didn't answer the important question...did any of your computer
>stuff get wet? :)
Oh Yeah! The back porch (roofless) was still stacked full of Intel
MDS-2xxs and the front was stacked full of DEC stuff. It all got soaked but
none blew away. The house was FULL and no room for these big items.
>You want to borrow some of my scuba gear?
LOL! Only if I can stuff it full of computer equipment!
>Joe R. wrote:
>> Second hurricane in three weeks!! Just got power back after hurricane
>> Frances. This one was HUGE!!!! It reached from the FIorida Keys to Atlanta
>> Ga! It started raining here Friday. HEAVY rain and winds all day Saturday
>> and Sunday. More rain Monday (and a curfew in effect). Today (1:30 PM
>> Tuesday) some rain bands are still passing through. Three tornadoes in this
>> area yesterday and another today. The worst of the storm was south of us
>> this time and everything around here that could be blown down was already
>> down due to Charlie so now as much damage this time but HUGE amounts of
>> rain. I set my canoe outside last week and it was FILLED completely full of
>> rain by Friday night. Luckily Florida is flat so rain doesn't concentrate
>> much.
>> NOW it looks like we're in the path of Hurricane Ivan!!! It's
>> scheduled to be in this area about Sunday or Monday. UnF***ING believable!
>> joe
>Dave Mabry
>Dossin Museum Underwater Research Team
Received on Tue Sep 07 2004 - 16:53:33 BST
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