RSTS/E Question

From: John A. Dundas III <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 14:59:18 2004

At 2:46 PM -0400 9/16/04, Paul Koning wrote:
> >>>>> "Ron" == Ron Hudson <> writes:
> Ron> Well, it's V7.. What I wanted to do is setup terminals. I
> Ron> probably should do that in tty.cmd huh. The thing is that I
> Ron> don't know how many KBn: I have and in TTY.CMD you have to put:
> Ron> INPUT
> Ron> In a real PDP11 you would have actual terminals/ttys connected
> Ron> to physical serial ports. In my case I have Telnet
> Ron> sessions..but I don't know how many I can have.. I suppose one
> Ron> for each job (20 or so?) or does the DZ11 limit the number of
> Ron> KBn: s I can have?

If you SYSGEN'd the system yourself, you know what the maximum _can_
be. It won't hurt to put force commands in for more KBs than
actually exist.

>It sure does. If it's a DZ (whether real, or emulated one tied to a
>Telnet session at the emulator) it by definition has 8 ports.
>If you want 20 sessions, and they are hooked to DZs, then you'd have
>to have at least 3 DZs...
> paul

This is certainly true for a Unibus -11 or an emulation of one.

For completeness, in V7 Qbus support was not official yet (IIRC).
However that doesn't prevent V7 from running on Qbus processors such
as the 11/73. In which case a DZV or DZQ has only 4 lines/board, but
otherwise looks/acts very much like a DZ. [A DHV or DHQ has 8

Received on Thu Sep 16 2004 - 14:59:18 BST

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