[BBC-Micro] CEEFAX short story contest

From: Charles Blackburn <charlesb_at_summerfield-technology.co.uk>
Date: Sun Sep 19 12:08:25 2004

you could in fact quite legally broadcast a teletext signal from a small
transmitter if you are capable of building one, you MUST be careful however
to make sure that you get no spurious emissions and also dont use an aerial
but a coax feeder between the tx and the tuner. (IE link it up exactly as
you would a TV).

I also have a program somewhere that ran on an RML 580Z that I wrote at
school to simulate a teletext server and just made up the pages from text
files and displayed them on the screen. it was written for a school message
system above reception.

If I get time some day I'll try and dig up the disk (if it still is
readable) and zip it up and put it up somewhere.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
To: <bbc-micro_at_cloud9.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] CEEFAX short story contest

> On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 22:20 +0100, gARetH baBB wrote:
>> On Sat, 11 Sep 2004, Jules Richardson wrote:
>> > BBC was? I still have a pet project to get a real service up and
>> > running
>> > at the museum (and if a phone exchange can be simulated, then it's not
>> > like we don't have plenty of old modem hardware lying around - acoustic
>> > coupler, anyone?)
>> Q: what do you think viewdata has in connection with teletext (apart from
>> most of the display attributes) ?
> Both are examples of early information retrieval systems; the problem
> with a museum exhibit being that it'd be somewhat illegal to broadcast
> teletext over the airwaves!
> That doesn't stop the simulation using a service such as pip that I
> mentioned earlier (which digging around appears to have been public-
> access) across a dial-up link, though.
>>From a display point of view it'd make sense to combine it with a
> viewdata system (in the sense that one or the other could be used at a
> time by a terminal of some form - whether a BBC or whatever) simply to
> avoid duplication of cabling, modems etc.
> And an example of a BBS would be a third option of course. It's a case
> of making a modem think it was talking to a phone exchange and I'm not
> sure what's involved there - but the Colossus guys know all about phone
> equipment and have piles of period hardware lying about so I'm sure they
> can offer help.
> I'm still not sure what was used server-side to construct and hold
> teletext pages either (fro BBC's Ceefax or others); likely a DEC mini of
> some sort - BBC machines for page composition?
> cheers
> Jules

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