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From: <>
Date: Sun Feb 27 13:22:22 2005

Complete Control.

Introducting the IMSAI 8048 Single Board Control Computer.

Complete Control System
Intel developed the world's first single chip microcomputer. IMSAI has
built the system to put it to word. Instantly!
Presenting the IMSAI Single Board Control Computer. A complete programmable
computer and hardware control system on an 8.5 x 10 board.
Just plug in the power source ( 5v) and you can be controlling your home
environment today.

The Chip Designed for Control.
Intel designed the 8048/8748 single chip microcomputer with one thought in
mind. COmplete control. Everything you need is there: CPU, RAM, 1K
ROM/EROM, I/O, timer//counter, interruprs... the works.

The Board That Implements It Instantly.
There's a 24 pad kexadecimal keyboard and 9-digit led hex display already on
board. So you can start controlling the coffeepot and the sprinklers the
minute you get the IMSAI home. WIthout addingn anything but the connection
You can run almost any peripleral available. Not to mention the kids
electric train. The IMSAI Control Computer is RS232 compatible. There are
12 quasibidirectional !/) lines with handshaking and 14 mour regualr I/O
lines, 5 heavy duty relays, and Teletype and cassette interfaces. All on
one board.
Theres already an extra 1K of RAM on board, plus sockets for another 1K of
RAM and 2K of ROM/EROM. Need more? The 8048 allows expansion up to 64k
off board.
Ultimately, the only limit to this system is your imagination.
Now, that's control.

kit - $249
assembled - $299
Received on Sun Feb 27 2005 - 13:22:22 GMT

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