Collector book publishers are very conservative and cost-conscious, but they
are always looking for new areas of collectibles. In most cases, the new
areas are offshoots of other, more popular collectibles. Computers are
different. The people who buy traditional collector books aren't a good
market for vintage computer books (as I've learned).
To its credit, Schiffer took a chance on my book, but I'm responsible in
some way for about half the sales. I haven't spoken with the publisher
recently, but I suspect he had hoped to sell more copies than he has. I'd
love to do one, but a revision is not in the works at this time.
----- Original Message -----
> I wouldn't trust those books. What do general-purpose collectors possibly
> about our hobby?
> Mike Nadeau: it's time for an updated edition to "Collectible
> :)
> --- Keys <> wrote:
> > While at Barnes & Noble the other day I found that collecting price
> > are starting to list classic computers. In the COLLECTIBLES Price Guide
> > 2005 by Judith Miller there were over 6 pages with photos and in
> > Flea Market Price Guide 3rd Edition by Ellen T. Schroy there was a
> > pages with photos. In the flea market guide it listed at Atari XL 800
> > a value of $175, not sure were that price came from. I also found two
> > books about classic gaming systems at the store. This is good but also
> > in that it may take prices higher as people start to read these books
> > see some of the inflated prices.
> >
> >
> =====
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Received on Wed Feb 02 2005 - 18:53:13 GMT