Disk platters and water (was: Re: NOVA4 6070 disk booboo)

From: Lawrence Wilkinson <ljw-cctech_at_ljw.me.uk>
Date: Thu Feb 3 02:09:28 2005

On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 23:40, Jay West wrote:
> You wrote...
> > When I was in college, we had an IBM 1311 that sprang a leak
> > (hydraulic head actuator...) spraying hydraulic fluid all over the
> > system pack. The FE repaired the drive, wiped the heads and pack with
> > solvent, and started things back up. Worked just fine.
> Wonder what the head-disk gap was on a drive of the IBM 1311 vintage.

FWIW, I think of the order of 200 microinch (5 micrometre).
Lawrence Wilkinson                                 lawrence_at_ljw.me.uk
The IBM 360/30 page                       http://www.ljw.me.uk/ibm360
Received on Thu Feb 03 2005 - 02:09:28 GMT

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