I would say "edlin" but then peopl will probably start moaning :D
I've used the good old "EDIT" that comes with dos before now seems a
very capable editor for most tasks.
-----Original Message-----
From: river [mailto:river_at_zip.com.au]
Sent: 04 February 2005 19:35
To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
Subject: DOS/Win3.X Text Editors
Most of my old stuff uses RS232 (ie Intel SBC, MicroModule, SC/MP,
homebuilt machines, etc) and I've found that Win98 Hyperterminal is
pretty poor and I found my old 486 running DOS7 with Win3.1 to be a much
more robust Hyperterminal.
My xasm programs are all DOS based, so I can move them to the Win3.x
machine. I use the Context Text Editor (which I find to be very good),
but it's for Win9.x systems. So, I am looking for a good programmers
text editor for Win3.1/DOS. I can dig up my old SPFPC disks and run
that, but I am wondering if anyone here knows of a good, powerful,
mouse-driven editor that will run on Win3.x/DOS.
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