It's Baaack! The "complete"ly trashed out HP1000F

From: Joe R. <>
Date: Sat Feb 5 06:52:59 2005

  The "complete" F series HP 1000 that's missing the Floating Point Unit
that makes it and F series to begin with. Also missing all the interface
cards except two and it's anybodies guess as to what cards are in (or NOT
in!) the CPU. Just looked again and it has ONE 64k memory card. Whoppee
(sarcasm intended)!

 This guy doesn't give up! I find it hilarious that he says "RARE I'll
bet you haven't seen one of these on E-bay in the past year" when this is
the fourth time that he's listed this one!

&rd=1> If anybody's stupid enough to want it.

  Go for of the HP 9845s on E-bay, there three of them on there and they're
a lot more interesting.

Received on Sat Feb 05 2005 - 06:52:59 GMT

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