It's been an 11/45 weekend

From: Jay West <>
Date: Sun Feb 6 22:59:07 2005

You wrote....
> I don't know anything about an ME11, having never heard of it.
C'mon Eric, you knew what I meant. MF11-L, I misread my handwritten notes.
I'm new at DEC Unibus stuff, and didn't catch the error :)

> If you want high performance from your 11/45, you want Fastbus memory.
I've heard that's pure unobtainium.

> For Unibus memory, I'd recommend an MS11-LD (M7891-Dx), which is a
> 128 Kword MOS memory, which is sufficient to fill the entire address
> space of the 11/45. This also was available partially populated to 32K,
> 64K, or 96K words, but I've never seen those. In the past it has been
> relatively easy to find M7891 modules.
I have had quite a difficult time locating M7891 modules. Still no luck.
This would be my choice as well.

> Common Unibus core memory systems include the 16 Kword MF11-U, which is
> a 9-slot system unit, and can be expaned to 32 Kwords by adding an MM11-U
> expansion option. The base MF11-U contains a G114, G235, H217D, and
> M8293.
> The MM11-U includes a G114, G235, and H217D. The parity versions (-UP
> suffix) use an H217C core stack in place of the H217D, and adds an M7259
> module to the base system unit.
My MF11-L is a G110, G231, and H214.

Received on Sun Feb 06 2005 - 22:59:07 GMT

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