>>>>> I think people just don't like women corporate officers.
Probably true.
You know what astounds me? We all grew up with sci-fi, accepting aliens,
monsters, and robots as equal peers. Similarly, ethnic minorities are fully
integrated into the high-tech community. Yet so many people in our world still
would like to deny women, homosexuals, etc. their fair rights.
Crazy IT industry we live in: it's okay if you are a Hindu robot from outer
space. But don't be female, unless you're a sex symbol, and don't be gay???
Now I've taken it too far off-topic. Sorry.
--- Tom Jennings <tomj_at_wps.com> wrote:
> re: lucent
> > That's kind of the point. She was responnsible for a lot of
> > the damage that happened there too.
> Lucent was doing just fine flushing themselves down the toilet,
> one hand on the lever, before she got there.
> I think people just don't like women corporate officers.
Evan's personal homepage: www.snarc.net
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Received on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 20:39:39 GMT