OT and getting further OT all the time! Re: Off-topic, but interesting (Fiorina fired)

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Thu Feb 10 18:33:14 2005

Evan wrote:
> No self-respecting reporter I've met in my whole career gives two shits
> about what advertisers think of his stories. I sure as hell don't.

Maybe not. What about your editor? The publisher? The higher up
the chain you go, the more influence comes from the advertisers, and
the less from reporters.

> I just can't let this shit pass without defending my industry.

You could just let your industry defend itself, though I don't think
it needs it in any case. I haven't ever spent even a minute trying to
defend my industry.

I don't see why you would take criticism of Big Media personally.
There are many industries in which individual employees opinions
are not representative of the employer's. Probably *most*
industries, in fact.
Received on Thu Feb 10 2005 - 18:33:14 GMT

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