Is Microsoft dying?

From: Scott Stevens <>
Date: Sat Feb 12 16:05:36 2005

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 16:44:14 -0500
Roger Merchberger <> wrote:

> Rumor has it that steve may have mentioned these words:
> Minor nitpick:
> > They just bought a company that makes virus protection software,
> More correctly:
> They just bought *another* company that makes virus protection
> software...
> The one they bought over a year ago seems to have been buried
> completely. Was it because that company had a multiplatform product
> (for Linux\Unix\OS/2\Winders\etc.) that worked well?
> Nahhhh....
> And yet, with the new package they have, they're very careful to tell
> you "If you use this product, you're not actually protected against
> viruses..." Hrm...

They licensed Symantec for the antivirus program included with MS-DOS 6.

It may have been after Semantic had devoured Central Points Software.

In any case, some of the functionality of Central Points Software's 'PC
Tools for Windows 3' made it into Windows 95. Various keyboard
shortcuts from PC Tools 'File Manager' program for Windows 3.1 appear
undocumented in explorer.exe where they remain today.

Companies-Microsoft-has-eaten remains a growing chunk of history. I
have a binary of 'Windows Media Player for Linux' that they distributed
a number of years back, to show what might be ahead.
Received on Sat Feb 12 2005 - 16:05:36 GMT

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