Best, worst auction deals. (was Re: eBay vrs42?)

From: Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner <>
Date: Sat Feb 12 20:43:49 2005

It was thus said that the Great Eric Smith once stated:
> My worst auction deal was also at an arcade auction, and resulted from
> getting the auctioneer pissed off at me. The auctioneer was trying to
> start the bidding on every lot at over $1000, even for things that he
> would have been lucky to get $50 for. I don't know if he was
> inexperienced or what. All the bidders were getting pissed off, because
> he'd try to start at $1000, back off to $950, to $900, etc. It was
> looking like we'd be there all day. So I started yelling out "$25"
> for each lot. He tried to ignore me and keep the numbers high, but
> other bidders started replying to my bid by yelling "$30", "$35", etc.
> He was getting visibly more and more pissed off at me, but there wasn't
> any way he could eject me. So he inserted a lot out of sequence that
> was a "churro warmer" or some such crap. By rights that shouldn't have
> sold at all, or should have gotten maybe $1. But he didn't describe
> the lot, just called out the lot number, so I bid $25 like on everything
> else, and of course I won it.

  Do auctioneers get paid on a percentage of the selling price? That would
certainly explain why they get upset at stuff that less for less than

  -spc (Been to auctions with friends were *we* colluded on lots ... )
Received on Sat Feb 12 2005 - 20:43:49 GMT

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