On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Philip Pemberton wrote:
> You've got an LA too then? I've got a HP 1651B - I think I mentioned the
> software I threw together to grab screendumps off it over GPIB.. Anyway, I
> paid about ?100 for that on ebay (got it from France, so no import duty or
> VAT to pay)... and ended up waiting six weeks for the seller to find the
> probe kit. He ended up buying a set of probe pods and splitting it. Last
> email he ever sent me said "I hope you're happy, you really ate into my
> profit margin".
What a doody head. I would have told him I was very happy indeed (that
I'm not a jerk like him). Sheesh, what a ninny.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Sun Feb 13 2005 - 10:53:36 GMT