TV alert...

From: Dwight K. Elvey <>
Date: Mon Feb 14 17:27:34 2005

>From: "Computer Collector Newsletter" <>
>Well, that was mediocre. They didn't put me on the air until about 28 minutes
>into the 30 minute show. They only used about 1/4 of what I said -- they cut
>out the explanation of used vs. collectible, and they cut out the examples of
>actual prices -- the latter which they emphasized to me was what they wanted me
>to talk about. Oh well.

 It is quite common for a reporter to act like they are really
interested in one specific thing while on the side getting
a few comments about some side subject that they are really
interested in getting something on. They will often print this
side conversation as their main story and use your quotes completely
out of context. They are rarely actually interested in what they
tell you they want you to talk about. They actually want to
get you to be more candid on the side subject that they are
intending to write about.
 You are quite lucky that you didn't say something that could
have been more easily twisted.
Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 17:27:34 GMT

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