On Feb 15 2005, 16:26, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
> joe heck wrote:
> > I think you are missing the first two letters, ANDROMEDA. There
was an
> > WDC-11C.
> >
> That's a distinct possibility - the silk screening seems very easy to
> damage.
> OK, does anyone have any idea what it does?
WDC11 = Winchester Disk Controller. Not SCSI, it might be SASI, but
probably not. Andromeda Systems made several controllers that emulated
DEC systems, including an SCDC SCSI controller and an ESDC (ESDI?)
controller. I think this Andromeda board connected to a box containing
an ST412-type drive, but I've never seen one close up so I don't know
for sure. It's quite possible it connects directly to an ST412-type
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Tue Feb 15 2005 - 13:07:27 GMT