Joe R. wrote:
> Anybody know where I can find data sheets for these two devices?
> 2671 Programmable Keyboard and Communications Controller
> 2672 Programmable Video Timing Controller
I have these Signetics documents:
- "2672 Programmable Video Timing Controller (PVTC)", 1980-12
- "Video Attributes Controller (VAC) 2673", 1980-09
- "App. Note 401: Using the 2670/71/72/73 CRT Terminal Chip Set",
I thought they were already scanned but, on examining the scans, it
appears the sheet feeder was having an off day. I'll redo them on Sunday
unless someone beats me to it.
These datasheets are all included in Visual Technology's "V500/550
Maintenance Manual", a Z80-based terminal from the early 1980s.
Unfortunately for you, they used an 8035 for controlling the keyboard,
so I don't have the 2671 sheet.
Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 13:57:59 GMT