Christie's auction and other computer history events

From: Computer Collector Newsletter <>
Date: Thu Feb 17 16:34:47 2005

I didn't mean directly, I meant by lineage, via people like Herman Hollerith.
(There are also stories of Hollerith was influenced by the card punching of a
train conductor.)

Someone who was *directly* influence, according to 'The Cogwheel Brain' book,
is Howard Aiken. The book discusses this in detail.

So here's an interesting question: what is the oldest, most primitive
punch-card computer actually used in regular work by anyone on this list?

--- Eric Smith <> wrote:

> > Watson himself was influenced by Babbage.
> Can you cite a reference, or are you just assuming that?

Evan's personal homepage:

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Received on Thu Feb 17 2005 - 16:34:47 GMT

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