> > > The one I use is the Lantronix UDS-10, which
> > > lets me do Telnet (or open any TCP connection, really) over a serial link
> > > with any terminal program. The UDS-10 has RS-232 on one side and 10baseT
> > > on the other.
> > Cool. How much do they sell for?
> I bought a box of Lantronix MSS-1T and MSS-100 at a swap. Talked the guy
> down to $10. These are Ethernet twisted-pair in/out, serial out/in, with
> terminal services, or a dumb remote serial mode where you telnet to a fixed
> port and your character automagically appear out the serial port. They are
> FM, pure FM. You set their IP address by PINGING them!
Those aren't the ones I'm talking about; those are intended as device
servers, not client boxes, where a serial-based system can serve data over
Ethernet. The UDS series (UDS-10, UDS-10-01 and UDS-100) let a system do
*client* access over Ethernet. These are the ones I've used, and I've found
them used for as low as $15-$20. Their MSRP is around $100 (!) but you can
definitely do better than that. They are still manufactured and supported.
---------------------------------- personal: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser_at_floodgap.com
-- Eggheads unite! You have nothing to lose but your yolks. -- Adlai Stevenson
Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 15:04:01 GMT