Christie's auction and other computer history events

From: William Donzelli <>
Date: Fri Feb 18 19:24:00 2005

> Other than the magnetron, the most important thing
> that was developed for RADAR was the rotating display.

And the klystron - the magnetron was almost useless without a
matching klystron.

And the duplexor - combining the receive and transmitting antennas, so
radars could be smaller.

And the crystal mixer - so you could use the klystron as a local

And the directional antenna - without it, radar would have been very

Actually, PPI (as it was called, for Plan Position Indicator) was a bit

> I'm not sure if this was developed in Britain or the US.

British, alothough there is some that claim the Germans had it early (I
would like to see more evidence).

Anyway, there was a lot going on, outside the cavity magnetron. Some
concepts came from this side of the Atlantic, some from Britain, some from

William Donzelli
Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 19:24:00 GMT

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