Off-topic, but interesting (Fiorina fired)

From: Paul A. Pennington <>
Date: Fri Feb 18 21:36:37 2005


    Actually, book rate IS on the USPS web site. It has been called "Media
Mail" for at least 10 years now, so it's on-topic :-)

    I don't know where "over there" is but media mail is only for shipments
with the US.

    Other than that, a fine message :-)

    Paul Pennington
    Augusta, Georgia

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe R." <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Off-topic, but interesting (Fiorina fired)

> At 12:57 AM 2/12/05 +0000, Philip Pemberton wrote:
>>Still, all I'm missing is the manual set, and that's about to change
>>in the USA has offered to copy his 1651B service manual and operator's
>>for me - I intend to scan them properly). %DEITY knows how much it's going
>>cost to ship two reams worth of 8.5x11 paper over there though...
> If you send it via USPS Bookrate it will be cheap. Bookrate isn't shown
> the USPS website but it's available if you ask for it.
> Joe
Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 21:36:37 GMT

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