My ongoing Nova 4/X saga...

From: Tom Jennings <>
Date: Sun Feb 20 19:36:25 2005

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005, jim stephens wrote:

> I use a gizmo when sleeping called a CPAP machine. the reason
> it is interesting is that the mask involved is disposable, and has some
> excellent membrane material similar to latex that would be a perfect
> sort of thing for what I think you are repairing.

This week I'm going to stress-test the replacement membranes; it's
easy. I'll leave a scratch tape loaded, vacuum running, for a
week. Then extract the switches and check the pressure setting. If
it hasn't moved I'm all set. If it does change, then I need to
re-set, and check in another week, to see if there's an initial
stretch after assembly.

If they degrade in two weeks, I'll bug you you for where to get
one :-)

I was told there are urethane condoms; these might be perfect.
Latex is great, until it rots.

> Also, heavier chemical latex gloves, not the medical ones would
> be usable. I have a large supply of them and could send you a set
> to cut up if you don't have a source.

I use 'em for automotive work, and I have some nitrile ones too, I
think that stuff is thick but we'll see.

> BTW, I am the proud owner of your ASR33 from tucson days,
> and am now getting an urge to get it out and set up and see how
> it runs. it has been buried in john b's and my pile since it came
> to roost there.

You got it from John Bohner? Small world!

> Hope you get this going, it is interesting what is going on. john and
> I have the univac iii system that was discussed at length and we would
> like to put into operation at least two of the Uniservo tape drives,
> so your saga with the vacumn system is interesting. I think the
> uniservo
> may be simpler in that respect, but the electronics wont be.

The trick is to break the servo loop, or all the slewing motors
and such will make you crazy. I hope you have schematics :-) Is it
at least solid-state?
Received on Sun Feb 20 2005 - 19:36:25 GMT

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