Over the past 5 years taking pictures of my SWTPC computers for my web site.
I have found that a flat bed scanner takes excellent pictures of circuit
board and other flat objects. The lighting is perfect. You can read the part
numbers on the IC's. Most scanners (but not all) will focus on objects above
the glass. My scanner is an Epson Perfection 1240U.
I have finally learned how to take good pictures of larger three dimensional
objects. The key is lighting. I have a $200 Nikon Coolpix 3200 3 mega pixel
camera. The built-in flash would often reflect off a surface or provide
uneven lighting. I started using incandescent bulbs. That was better but the
color was off and required touchup in Photoshop. There was still the problem
of uneven lighting. I tired bouncing the light off of white poster board and
that helped but it reduced the light on the subject. The answer was to get a
photo umbrella. (I got a Photofelx RUT45 convertible umbrella, shoot-through
or bounce. $40) I also bought some 250 watt photo lamps (type ECA) to use in
a standard reflector. These have better color (3200 degrees.) The bulbs are
about $4 each and are rated for 3 hours of life time. I use two lights for
500 watts.
Here is a picture of my setup.
The backdrop is a roll of white background paper. A 12 foot 52 inch wide
roll is about $30, I have had my roll for about 20 years.
You can see some of these photos here.
Michael Holley
Received on Sun Feb 20 2005 - 22:21:52 GMT