On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 18:05 -0800, Tom Jennings wrote:
> I've got some .tiff files I can't seem to read that other people can.
> I'm trying to use the netpbm tools (unix) with no luck.
> tifftopnm says
> unknown field with tag 32934 (0x80a6) encountered
Google suggests that it's a Wang-specific tag, but some info seems to
hint that it should load anyway.
This gives a possible clue as to the problem:
You could give Imagemagick a go (www.imagemagick.org) - it's pretty darn
good for manipulating and converting stuff. Only caveat being that it
doesn't handle high-resolution low-bpp images well at all (it treats
everything as 32 bit internally, so it gets really inefficient for such
Received on Tue Feb 22 2005 - 20:33:13 GMT