Wow Eric!
That was QUICK!
I'd be interested to hear about your experiences with
this board. Do you like it?
My original Model I is not working properly at this
time. My friend Tom and I will have to take a look at
it more closely.
It powers up, and will work stand-alone, but when
attached to my E/I or an LNW E/I I have, it does not
see the RAM in the E/I or access the floppies.
I may simply have to resolder the gold plug on the
expansion connector, OR something more insidious is
This particular Model I has the Dennis Kitsz LowerCase
Mod from his book (very similar to the Electric Pencil
Mod), Dennis's High Speed Upgrade (4mhz if I remember
correctly) with a special circuit that slows down the
Mod for Cassette or Disk Access (along with a
Tri-Color LED that goes Red for normal, Green for High
Speed, and Orange for Auto Switch).
We also built in an Audio Amplifier, Composite Video
Out (for an Amber Monitor OR a TV through an RF
Modulator), AND an Alpha Joystick Connector one can
attach ANY Atari-Style Joystick to.
I miss those days...
> From: (Eric Dittman)
> > All this talk of TRS-80's on the list (Those two
> S-100
> > Systems sound COOL!!!), prompts me to ask if
> anyone
> > remembers a garage project called "The Trash
> > Compactor".
> >
> > Basically, some guy (a REALLY SMART guy!)
> > reimplemented the entire Model III logic Board on
> a
> > board that would fit inside a Model I case.
> >
> > It also incorporated the E/I and the RS-232 port,
> and
> > did some other cool things.
> >
> > I lost the literature I used to have on this
> board.
> >
> > Anyone remember it?
> I have a board that sounds like what you described.
> The company
> silkscreened on the board is "Norcom".
> The Model I case has part of the back plastic hacked
> out for the
> additional connectors. The keyboard is one of the
> later-model
> Model I keyboards with keypad.
> It works with the exception of one column of keys,
> which should be
> easy to fix when I get a chance.
> --
> Eric Dittman
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Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 11:50:10 GMT