Any one remember...?

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Thu Jan 13 12:08:28 2005

> I'd be interested to hear about your experiences with
> this board. Do you like it?

All I've done is play around a bit. With the column of keys
inoperative I can't do much until I fix it.

Too bad you lost the literature. I'd love to find out more
about it. Was it ever advertised or written about in "80

> My original Model I is not working properly at this
> time. My friend Tom and I will have to take a look at
> it more closely.
> It powers up, and will work stand-alone, but when
> attached to my E/I or an LNW E/I I have, it does not
> see the RAM in the E/I or access the floppies.
> I may simply have to resolder the gold plug on the
> expansion connector, OR something more insidious is
> wrong.

Could the cable have been damaged in storage?

> This particular Model I has the Dennis Kitsz LowerCase
> Mod from his book (very similar to the Electric Pencil
> Mod), Dennis's High Speed Upgrade (4mhz if I remember
> correctly) with a special circuit that slows down the
> Mod for Cassette or Disk Access (along with a
> Tri-Color LED that goes Red for normal, Green for High
> Speed, and Orange for Auto Switch).
> We also built in an Audio Amplifier, Composite Video
> Out (for an Amber Monitor OR a TV through an RF
> Modulator), AND an Alpha Joystick Connector one can
> attach ANY Atari-Style Joystick to.
> I miss those days...

I find that some of the old games on the TRS-80 are more fun
than games I see on today's consoles and PCs. There was more
emphasis on gameplay back then.
Eric Dittman
Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 12:08:28 GMT

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