As far as I'm concerned, UPS wears brown for a reason.
They are second only to the USPS in annoyance level.
FedEx ground is my first choice for most shipments with DHL a close second
if it's not too big.
Erik Klein
The Vintage Computer Forum
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Jay West
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:30 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: no more UPS!
I'm boycotting UPS. I walked out of there about foaming at the mouth.
I went there to ship a vintage cpu, and the gentleman behind the counter
took one look at my box and said "that box is in bad condition", followed by
"At UPS, we don't want to deliver any packages that don't look good", and
finally "we can't have the box falling apart and it's contents coming out".
I asked him to please take a closer look at the box I was shipping. True,
the outside had many shipping labels that had been pulled off. But I
explained to him it was a custom made US military shipping carton. The walls
are almost 1/2 thick cardboard with 6 inches of foam form fitting around the
cpu. There were no creases in the cardboard anywhere, and no sunken
surfaces. This box was far sturdier than any box in the place. He told me my
only choice was to take the package to The UPS Store and have them rebox it.
I think they are just trying to push business to their UPS Store fronts.
This box was extremely sturdy.
So... I'm boycotting UPS and just needed to vent :)
Received on Tue Jan 18 2005 - 21:27:44 GMT
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