UTek (V) filesystems and boot blocks

From: Dan Wright <dtwright_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Fri Jan 21 09:49:44 2005

On Thursday 20 January 2005 05:28 pm, Jules Richardson wrote:
> > Linux can handle about a dozen different partition maps, and quite a few
> > file systems. You might be best to use dd to take an image off the hard
> > disk and then try and mount the image.
> Worth a try I suppose; I have a feeling that Linux doesn't support that
> many different partition formats though - dos/linux, sun/bsd, sgi, and
> that's about it I think. It *might* use the sun/bsd format I suppose,
> but seems more likely that it's something oddball.

You might want to check -- the available partition types list from the kernel
on my laptop (linux is:

  ? ? [*] Advanced partition selection ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Acorn partition support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Alpha OSF partition support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Amiga partition table support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Atari partition table support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Macintosh partition map support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] PC BIOS (MSDOS partition tables) support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Windows Logical Disk Manager (Dynamic Disk) support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] SGI partition support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Ultrix partition table support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] Sun partition tables support (NEW) ? ?
  ? ? [ ] EFI GUID Partition support (NEW)

(from the screen in "make menuconfig")

I wouldn't be suprised if there are patches out there for more partition
types, too.

Dan Wright
"we are content if we can describe a multitude of other things in terms of...
fundamental incomprehensibilities. science is an activity that takes place on
the shore of an infinite sea of mystery."
chet raymo, "doctor seuss and doctor einstein"
Received on Fri Jan 21 2005 - 09:49:44 GMT

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