Apple monitor fit to PC?

From: Dan Wright <>
Date: Mon Jan 24 08:29:48 2005

Apple made some 17-19" CRT monitors that are just standard SVGA-type things.
If it's new-ish and has the same HD15 connector as a PC monitor, you should
be able to just plug it in and go.

On Sunday 23 January 2005 1:12 pm, wrote:
> I have an Apple question. Can the newer Apple 17" monitors, with the
> three legs and gray and white.clear case work on a PC as well. My problem
> is that I bought one and need to test it, and I don't own and Apple tower.
> I know some of the old PC monitors needed an adapter to work on a PC, so
> maybe Apple monitors need an adapter too conversely work on a PC. The
> monitor I have, has 15 pins and looks like the same shape as on the PC
> monitors. I am afraid to plu it in and blow up something without consulting
> someone who knows. I appologize if this is a bit off topic, but maybe its
> ok since its an older mac. I don't know what your cutoff year is.
> Thanks,
> -Dave

Dan Wright
"we are content if we can describe a multitude of other things in terms of...
fundamental incomprehensibilities. science is an activity that takes place on
the shore of an infinite sea of mystery."
chet raymo, "doctor seuss and doctor einstein"
Received on Mon Jan 24 2005 - 08:29:48 GMT

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