On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Tom Ponsford wrote:
> You may now go to the photos and commence salivating!
> http://www.montagar.com/~patj/hcsale/index.html
> I don't think we will ever see a DEC collection again like this!
Sure you will:
DEC donated their museum to the CHM years ago, which includes the
prototype PDP-1 etc.
THE DFWCUG collection is nice, but it's not unprecedented. I wish their
web pages gave more information about the collection. I doubt they'll be
able to sell it all in one shot. If so, whoever buys it will surely part
it out. If I had the money and time, that's what I'd do.
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Received on Tue Jan 25 2005 - 10:00:42 GMT