I have a ton of classic and not-so-classic computers and accessories to
find new homes for. Since I don't have the time or money to ship any of
this, you need to be willing to pick up in the Seattle, WA area. Most of
this stuff at least powered up the last time I was able to get to it,
although there are likely some TLC issues on most or all of them that
need to be attended to such as missing RAM or hard drives. One of the
C-64s doesn't power up and a couple of the color NCD terminals don't
have monitors or have monitors that are futzing, but all of the base
units works.
Some of this stuff I'm willing to let go for free, some of it I'd like
to see at least $5 for. And there are a couple of items (the Auspex, the
Sun Ultra 1 and disk pack, the Apple IIgs, the Cisco router) I would
like to get a bit more than that from. Especially the Auspex and the
Cisco router.
Please e-mail me with what you're interested in, how much you'd be
willing to pay, and what your schedule is like. I don't usually have any
time during business hours to try to meet people places, unless it's at
my home in Monroe on one of the days I'm working from home. Evenings and
weekends are best bet if you're not willing to drive to Monroe. If I
have to drive a load of equipment somewhere, I'm probably going to want
to charge enough for it to make it worth my while.
On with the list!
x1 Northstar S-100 CP/M chassis, expansion cards, floppies
x1 Apple IIe system + accessories
x1 Apple III system + accessories
x1 Apple IIgs system + accessories
x1 Mac 256
x1 PowerMac 7x00 system + accessories
x1 Commodore printer
x2 Commodore 64s + boxes of accessories
x5 Commodore 1541 floppy drives
x3 Sun 3/60 pizzaboxes
x2 Sun 3/80 pizzaboxes
x2 Sun SPARCstation 2 pizzaboxes
x1 Sun UltraSPARC 1 Creator 3D
x1 Sun 6-disk external 68-pin SCSI disk pack, 6 18GB SCA drives
x11 Wyse 30 dumb terminals
x1 B&W 19" NCD X terminal
x6 color NCD X terminals
Routers, Network, Telco
x1 Cisco 2516 router (48VDC telco power supply)
x1 19" 1u serial/parallel print server
x2 Fujitsu DSL modems
x1 DirecTV DSL modem
x1 Auspex NS 5500 (7' tall, 770 lbs!)
This was a high-end server running a special form of SunOS 4.1
using Functional Multiprocessing (FMP). Auspex tells me it is
the only one in private hands that hasn't been traded in or
scrapped. True classic computing lovers only need apply.
YOU MUST PICK UP THIS ITEM. I *cannot* transport it. Bring a
big truck or van and suitable moving/tie-down equipment and
x1 ZIP SCSI external drive
x1 HP parallel external CD burner
Assorted A/V switchboxes
Assorted TDMA cellphones + accessories
Devin L. Ganger <devin_at_thecabal.org>
"Aikido is based around the central precept of letting an attack take
its natural course. You, of course, don't want to impede that natural
flow by being in its way." -- overheard on the PyraMOO
Received on Tue Jan 25 2005 - 08:58:00 GMT