AMS EPROM programmer driver?

From: Wouter de Waal <>
Date: Thu Jan 27 01:37:44 2005

Hi all

I have an "AMS inc PROM PROGRAMMER COPYRIGHT 1983". It's
an ISA card, with a whole bunch of TTL, 37 pin connector,
ribbon cable to box with ZIF socket.

I see that AMS is still around, and their web site mentions
that they started out making EPROM programmers way back
around 1983, but an email to them went unanswered.

I need the software that originally went with this thing.
Or if anybody has technical info (long shot). Can't be
difficult to reverse-engineer, but it would take time
that I'd prefer to spend elsewhere.

Where I eventually want to go: I was thinking I could
program this thing to apply vectors to a PAL to tell
me what the equations in the PAL are (I'm intrigued
by what's inside the macintosh PALs...)

Received on Thu Jan 27 2005 - 01:37:44 GMT

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