A while back I picked up a TRS-80 Model 3 without disk drives. It
works fine and I've been on the prowl for drives for it. Well, the
other day while picking up some PDP-8 stuff (questions for another
time), the guy gave me 2 Model 3s with drives. I've cleaned them up
and checked them out and finally powered them on. Now this is the
problem. They come on and the lower drive (drive 0?) lights up and
then stops and the screen stays blank. I don't have a DOS for them
so my question is, should these boot up without it as my cassette
based 3 does, giving me the Cassette? and RAM? questions or do I have
to get TRSDOS or one of the others. If these systems are bad, I'm
thinking of moving the drives to my cassette system. Looks like a
lot of boards to move, assuming the drives and controller are ok.
Comments? Also, can someone help out with a copy of TRSDOS, NewDOS,
LDOS or some other and a comm program?
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Sat Jul 19 1997 - 18:51:18 BST