TRS-80 Model III Questions

From: Cord Coslor <>
Date: Sun Jul 20 10:33:07 1997


To boot a disk based system without the drives... after you turn the
system on, press reset and hold drean BREAK.... it'll then boot in
cassette mode.

I certainly can help you out with any DOSs or software you might need.
Just let me know and we'll work something out.



|| Cord G. Coslor P.O. Box 308 - 1300 3rd St. Apt "M1" -- Peru, NE ||
|| (402) 872- 3272 68421-0308 ||
|| Classic computer software and hardware collector ||
|| Autograph collector ||

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, David Williams wrote:

> A while back I picked up a TRS-80 Model 3 without disk drives. It
> works fine and I've been on the prowl for drives for it. Well, the
> other day while picking up some PDP-8 stuff (questions for another
> time), the guy gave me 2 Model 3s with drives. I've cleaned them up
> and checked them out and finally powered them on. Now this is the
> problem. They come on and the lower drive (drive 0?) lights up and
> then stops and the screen stays blank. I don't have a DOS for them
> so my question is, should these boot up without it as my cassette
> based 3 does, giving me the Cassette? and RAM? questions or do I have
> to get TRSDOS or one of the others. If these systems are bad, I'm
> thinking of moving the drives to my cassette system. Looks like a
> lot of boards to move, assuming the drives and controller are ok.
> Comments? Also, can someone help out with a copy of TRSDOS, NewDOS,
> LDOS or some other and a comm program?
> Thanks.
> -----
> David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Sun Jul 20 1997 - 10:33:07 BST

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